Spring Equinox Altar Reflections

Spring Equinox Altar

Spring Equinox Altar

To celebrate the balance between day & night

To celebrate the balance between day & night




Spring is birth. Spring is flowers rising from soil; flowers extending from tree branches. Spring is bright green sprouts pushing, new growth from old branches. Spring is longer days, warmer days – the initial spark of life dancing all around us after winter’s long reign.

Armed with fire and flowers, we push forward.

And as earth angels, healers, and shamans know, flowers are medicinal. And real medicine is never a quick fix. Real medicine pulls at the root of the issue. Real medicine goes downwards and inwards, to the depths of where the issue arises. And shamelessly tugs the roots upwards.

This spring encouraged the energy of a reset.

The planet is going through a major wake up call. Waking up to the injustices that have rolled over through the years, unchecked. Waking up to the infinite possibilities that staying home brought. All of the feelings of fear, uncertainty, anxiety, anger, shame, guilt, were brought to the surface to be examined, no longer able to be ignored. The collective shadow was brought to light,

Following the spring equinox, the balancing day between night and day, spring pushed forward. Light pushed forward.

This spring encouraged your personal reset. The collective reset.

How will you move onwards? Do you see the blossoms of the past three months beginning to bloom?

As every gardener knows, not every seed will sprout. But it is well within your control to care – to nourish your seeds (and yourself), tend to them daily, and show compassion through every step of growth. But with just as much discipline, trim the dying leaves and rip the roots that rot.

As we bid farewell to this strange spring, this sleepy spring, this reflective spring, I urge us to not lose the steam. The joy of an exploding flower. I urge us to ask ourselves questions about what pushes us forwards – our values, our joys, our faith, our discipline, our inner authority, and the way our minds process and comprehend it all. It does us well to tend to ourselves daily.

As humans who seek to bring the divinity into daily life, we must remember to honor our incarnations. When and where to reground ourself into this human body, and take into account how we experience life. How we are one funneled fragment of universal energy & singular sensations, experiencing all that is around us.

A wise person once told me:
”Life is all about you, and nothing about you.”

From a seed, we too have sprouted. To join the forest, we must do the work of keeping ourselves alive, healthy, blossoming, breathing.

We do our part not only for us, but for the world around us.

Armed with fire and flowers, we push forwards.


Altar co-created in sacred collaboration with Fruits of Her Labor.

Victoria Derr